

At the moment, you can pick up a papaya at Coles or Woolies for under five bucks – and everything from your skin to your mood and gut will thank you!

According to a new nutritional review, eating a tropical papaya isn’t just a wonder for your tastebuds, it’s a cost-effective way to get a whole bunch of nutrients into your diet.

The Papaya Australia Nutrition Review focuses on a unique bundle of nutrients that are found in papaya, and the incredible benefits for your body.

According to accredited Practising Dietitian and review author, Caitlin Reid, the latest findings reveal the benefits of papaya make it clear we should all be including more of it in our diet.

“Known for their vibrant and tropical flavour, papaya contains a unique bundle of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants,” she said.

“Just one serve of papaya provides your daily dose of vitamin C, almost a third of vitamin A and more than a quarter of your folate needs. This is a cost-effective and delicious way to get these important nutrients in and keep your immune system in tip-top shape, all-year round.”

And it’s not just the papaya flesh that’s full of amazing benefits!

“Papaya seeds contain protein, dietary fibre, phytochemicals and minerals including magnesium, calcium, zinc and iron. The phenolic compounds such as benzyl isothic yanate, glucosinolates, tocopherols, cryptoxanthin and B-carotene act as antioxidants, reacting with free radicals to minimize oxidative stress in the body.”

Here’s a breakdown of the main reasons Caitlin is encouraging Aussie families to pop a papaya in the trolley.

1. Glowing Skin: Papaya provides a unique bundle of antioxidants – vitamin A, C and carotenoids – that assist with skin elasticity and the formation and repair of skin cells. All are essential for glowing skin.

2. Immunity boosting: Papaya contains a combination of antioxidants which fight the damaging effects of free radicals and reactive oxygen species, reducing inflammation in the body and supporting immune health.

3. Good mood food: Including more fruit, like papaya, and vegetables in the diet promotes a better balance of gut microbiome, which plays a role in improving mood.

4. Gut goodness: Australian papaya contains gut-loving fibre, with a single serve contributing 11% of our daily needs.

5. Nutrient boost: Papaya contains carotenoids (the pigments that give them their
vibrant colour) which are more easily absorbed than from other carotenoid-rich foods,
like tomatoes and carrots, providing a bigger nutrient boost.

Papaya season is all year round, with an abundance in autumn and spring – so it’s the perfect time to pop a papaya in your trolley!

This article first appeared on Mouths Of Mums.

Love papayas? Tell us how you like to prepare them in the comments!

  • Sadly, I don’t like papaya at all. No matter how good it is for me, I’m not going to choke it down.

  • I have never even tried papaya. Reading some of thr comments below, I believe it’s highly likely I won’t enjoy it

  • Yeah. Nah.

    I just can’t.

    I hear the benefits. But the taste is yuck. I’ve yet to find anyway if making a papaya taste nice. It leaves my mouth furry and unhappy.

    I would rather eat three other fruits to get the same benefit than one spoonful of papaya. Yeah, we’re not friends.

  • Hmmmm… maybe there might be another fruit that gives the same benefits? I am not super keen on papaya. I found it to be quite bitter and I am not even sure if it can be easily purchased in Tasmania. I’m sure there are a lot of benefits, but those can be found elsewhere for me!

  • I wish I liked papaya but I just don’t enjoy the taste that much and I especially don’t like the smell. I don’t mind papaya when it is dried and in cereals but I guess it would not have the same health benefits and there is not much of it in that form.

  • I never realised there were so many healthy benefits with papaya. I must admit it’s not really a fruit I go for. I’m not sure if I would even be able to buy it in Tassie. I believe I did try it once when I got a fruit hamper, but the flavour didn’t agree with me.

  • I have to admit that I don’t recall ever trying a papaya! I was sitting here wondering which part to eat when I read that the seeds are good too. I just added a half one to my online order so I don’t forget to try it, Thanks for the info.

  • Amazingly, papaya is one of those superfoods of fruit for so many health benefits it brings. I personally dont really love the texture and taste of it but i know how healthy and beneficial it is! One day I’ll enjoy it more, but for now, at least my kids love it!

  • I’ve been hearing lately that Papaya is a fantastic parasite cleanse. Apparently you eat the seeds whole and don’t actually chew them up. Other than that it’s a fantastic food and I absolutely love that it can give you glowing skin. I need way more papaya in my life. If only it wasn’t so expensive.

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