Welcome to Best HEALTH Buys, where our mission is to bring you everything you need to inform your Health & Wellbeing journey. So whether you’re looking for the best pre-workout drink, the best way to lose weight without losing your mind, you’re wanting advice from others on the same journey as you or you’re wanting a fresh new start, we’re here for you.
What We Do & Why
We created Best HEALTH Buys to help you find the best health and wellness product, information and advice from others just like you around.
We’re Best Health Buys. Our commitment is to bring you only the best. Solid info that we’ve created from the ground up so you know it’s info you can trust. Info from experts and real people just like you.
We bring you reviews and ratings from others just like you: everyday people who share honest opinions and feedback.
Everything we do has just one mission in mind: to make your journey to Health & Wellness the best (and most informed) it can be.
Join Others On Their Health & Wellness Journey (yes, it’s free)
As a Best HEALTH Buys member, here’s what you can look forward to …
BHB REVIEWS – where we invite Health & Wellness seekers from all over Australia to join our review teams. Sign up and then if you’re selected, we’ll either send you the product that’s on review or we’ll hit you up with a voucher to head in-store to pick it up. Give it a try at home and then report back with your honest opinion. One minute it could be a protein powder that will have you high-fiving, a supplement that gets you glowing and the next a yoga mat that will have you more comfortable than you could ever imagine!
BHB REWARDS – every month we’ll have a stash of the best prizes which go out to the most engaged and active BHB members. Earning Rewards Points is as simple as cruising around Best HEALTH Buys and getting involved. Post a review, leave a comment, enter a competition or share a photo. As easy as BHB. Find out more about BNB Rewards.
Best SIPS WINS – everyone loves to win and we’re no different. As we said, our mission is to get the best sips out to our Sippers. So every month we’ll launch new ways to win, win, win.
BNB NEWS, GUIDES & EXPERT ARTICLES – we wrap up buy guides, insider info on new health & wellness products on shelf, how to enhance your health & wellness journey and what to look for when you’re shopping for Best HEALTH Buys.
Sound good? Become a BHBer now!
Get in touch!
Need to know something we haven’t covered here? Hit us up with any questions and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can: [email protected]