
165 Entries

To celebrate the exciting launch of Best Health Buys, we’re giving one lucky member the chance to win a $1000 Mentwell Gift Card!

Your health and wellbeing is your most important asset, and with a $1000 Mentwell Gift Card in your hands, you’ll be able to really give your health and wellbeing the attention it deserves.

Mentwell Gift Cards are redeemable at every health and wellness provider Australia-wide. This includes GPs, yoga and pilates studios, dentists, optometrists, gyms, massage centres and physios … and that’s just the beginning.

Mobile phone showing Mentwell gift card transactions.

The card is available for use anywhere Mastercard is accepted, in-store and online. And keeping track of your balance is a piece of cake with the Vault Payment app used to set up your card.

Simple, reliable and versatile, it’s our way of helping you get on track with your health and wellness journey!

One Best Health Buys member will receive a $1000 Mentwell Gift Card (via email).

Please note this competition is open from 4th February 2025 until 4th August 2025 and is only available to members of Best Health Buys who are SUBSCRIBED to receive email communications from us at the time of prize draw. This competition is a game of skill – answer in 50 words or less. The winner of this competition will be notified via email and their first initial and surname will be published on this page. The winner will be contacted via email so please ensure the email address you have in your Profile is correct.

  • Head to the Dentist! At present, I have quite a few broken bottom teeth, an upper plate which does not meet the bottom teeth and always a smile with my mouth closed! Would be nice for the self-esteem to not try and talk like a ventriloquist!

  • Check the APP,put some lazy clothes on,music,dogs in the garden and dream of my mentwell being,sorry mental being.

  • I’ve just had 2 discs replaced in my neck in December 2024. I have a lot of healing and therapy that is required to get me back to a healthy mental & physical state. Years of nerve pain has taken a toll.

  • As a single mum, the first thing I would do is go out and get a massage! I have been suffering greatly with PND so I have been aiming to make my own health number, my number one priority at the moment.

  • If book in a massage!! Then start more regular exercise

  • Go to the dentist and get a full check up scale and clean and xray to see any hidden work that needs doing , ive been pregnant or breastfeeding for the last 5 years so need some work

  • I would love to get a membership at the gym to join my eldest daughter; good for bonding whilst working on my condition. Although I’m fit, flexible and slim, I could do with some more muscle mass, endurance and strength certainly when I’m aging (I’m 61, turning 62 this year).

  • I would take myself for acupuncture and massage – as a mum of a toddler with complex medical needs, I need to take some time to look after me.

  • A massage, that would be my first destination. It would help my frustration, or getting older. It would help my back, and my shoulder and hopefully put me back in order!

  • I had triple negative breast cancer and a year of chemotherapy. So I’d love some dental treatment and help from a naturopath. I’m in early menopause due to a preventative hysterectomy, I’ve got to improve my cardio and strength as I’m heavily overweight and uncomfortable.

  • See a dermatologist for a persistent uncomfortable rash.

  • I would love to win this and use the money to help support my journey through pre-menopause and help build my mental wellbeing back up. This would truly help me be me again and help me navigate this part of my life and feel better about myself.

  • Love to buy some home pilates, yoga equipment and clothing. I find wearing the right clothing motivates me and I prefer exercising on my own, watching YouTube videos, listening to music, so love to up my home setup. Also love to buy more supplements.

  • I would search for practitioners who may be able to help me live with my chronic illness in a less debilitating manner, be it a rheumatologist, osteopath or something I’d not yet considered.

  • I’d buy a massage, new pillows, and some calming oils—basically, anything that helps me nap without the kids using me as a trampoline!

  • I would like to try yoga and Pilates to improve my flexibility and movement as I grow older and then I may need to book a massage for health and relaxation.

  • I can’t even imagine a therapy or treatment that costs $1000 but the mere thought of having the financial flexibility to book myself a 90 minute relaxation massage somewhere close to home (so the drive to get home doesn’t completely ruin the after effects of that inner peace) brings a Duchenne smile to my face which, to be honest, have been rare lately.

  • I’m going to enrol in online classes and paid health app subscription with a full customised meal plan

  • A relaxing massage to soothe my mind and body as I have been overwhelmed with stress lately!

  • buy a walking pad for my loungeroom to walk on and some protein powder

  • Im too excited to pick just one thing! $1000 to spend, holy moley, i could do a lot to hrlp me with that 🤞

  • I’ve never had $1000 to spend on my own health before, it would be surreal. I know I need new glasses and dental check up but I dearly want to be able to join our local swimming centre so I would try to stretch the $1000 to do all 3.

  • After having spine surgery in December last year, I need lots of therapies to get me back on my feet and feeling strong again. Nerve pain debilitated me for nearly 2 years and I lost all my muscle mass.

  • After neck surgery in December I need to engage many therapies over the next year. This would ease the financial burden.

  • Take a holiday!

  • I would make an appointment with an audiologist because my hearing has definitely worsened in the last year or two and I might need a hearing aid.

  • I’d definitely get a dental check-up and clean, a visit to a doctor specialising in women’s health to address and explore options for perimenopause (after being told to just live with it!), followed by a remedial massage or two!

  • The first thing I would do for my health if i won would be to go to a chiropractor and get my sciatica fixed so i can spend more time playing with my 3 daughter’s instead of being bedridden in pain.
    But everyone deserves to win as i know someone else probably needs it more.

  • I would book a few myotherapy sessions for my scoliosis. They do wonders in conjunction with my regular chiropractor and reformer Pilates sessions to help keep my body happy.

  • My partner and I are having some troubles. We’ve discussed getting counselling and this would be the perfect gift to get us on our way.

  • It’s a toss up between getting my teeth whitened, acupuncture for the pinched nerve in my cervical spine, seeing a naturopath or spending it on pilates
    Nah, ouch, my neck!
    It’s got to be acupuncture!

  • I would get some physio and massage appointments to help me feel good.

  • After getting surgery on my spine in December, I would spend this at the physio and down the track, with a rehab trainer to build my muscles for future health.

  • I would go straight to the optometrist and get new glasses, then to the dentist followed by a 3 months sign up at the local swimming centre. What a wonderful opportunity!

  • I’d use it on a long awaited Gym Membership for my Husband and myself. We often talk about it but have never taken the plunge.

  • Would definitely use it to start my diagnosis process for ADHD

  • I’d love to visit a naturopath as I have never seen one before. I’ve heard great things about microbiome tests also and find it interesting 🙂

  • If I won this amazing prize I would spend it on physiotherapist as I have been on a wait list now for nearly 9 months and my knees are killing me it would help me do the things I love again.

  • I’d finally go back to pilates!! Everything is so expensive these days, it would be amazing to properly put my health first for a change. More downward dog and less downward spirals! 😀

  • My partner & I are talking about couples counselling to help us with resentment and talking honestly with each other. This would be the first step.

  • I would love to be able to join a gym! To know that it’s paid for would be a huge weight lifted 🙂 I would also use it to get massages to feel good about my body inside and out.

  • Dentist to get botox for my trismus i am suffering from after a wisdom tooth removal

  • I just had a baby boy end of Jan so I’d book a postpartum massage to spoil myself and also enjoy having a break from my gorgeous yet energetic 3 year old daughter who is a bit cooped up at home. I haven’t been able to leave the house much as I can’t drive after a c-section but I’d love to just reset and rejuvenate.

  • I would join a gym, eat healthy and buy supplements

  • I would make a dentist appointment and tell them to do whatever needs doing. If there was any cash laft over, I’d book in for a mental health check/assessment. I havent been feeling right mentally for such a long time

  • I’ve had neck surgery and need to see a physio for the next year or more regularly. This would definitely help the gap payment.

  • I\’d book in for some much-needed physiotherapy rehab because I had a hysterectomy and breast cancer surgery last year, and I would really love some help with my mobility and lost strength.

  • I would participate twice a week in my Onero program, to help build up my bones for my osteoporosis! A relatively new program which is already showing amazing results!

  • I’d definitely go for some regular massages. I have only ever had a couple and both were amazing. I felt so much better afterwards. Being able to afford some more would be an amazing treat for my wellbeing.

  • After a double disc replacement in my neck, I could really benefit from physiotherapy and a rehab coach to slowly get my muscles back after chronic pain.

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