


A study by the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet team has revealed that our personality plays a big part in our diet type and the overall success of achieving our health goals.

You know it’s coming. Diet season. The magazines at the supermarkets will be covered in before and afters, and tips on how to lose 10kg in 3 hours (clearly an exaggeration, but you know the empty promises they sell!). While I’m not a fan of the whole body shaming, fat-phobic season, I am a fan of eating well and being healthy.

And now I’m learning we have diet personalities, and I don’t know what to think.

The CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet team released a study this morning that reveals that we all have diet personalities, and to be honest, I’m curious. I’m the kind of person that gets all excited, and then a social event happens (remember those?) and a pizza ends up on the table, and it’s all over for me. I love a good time, and I also love carbs. Is there a diet personality known as The Indulger?

There is no Indulger (damn, she sounded like fun!) but there are six other diet types that the CSIRO have defined.

Dr Emily Brindal, Research Scientist and lead author of the study, encouraged Australians to embrace the strengths and weaknesses associated with their Diet Type. “We are seeing people cope differently with COVID-19 stresses and uncertainty, which has included disruptions to health, fitness, and social routines. We hope to help people achieve greater success on their journey to rediscover their health by playing to their individual strengths while also helping them to gain better control over their weaknesses,” Dr Brindal said.


The Thinker: goal-oriented, motivated and analytical, however sensitive to negative feedback that can lead to stress or anxiety which could ultimately derail their diet.

The Battler: likely to experience regular food temptation as well as being prone to stress and worry. ‘Battlers’ require some unique strategies to help them break the cycle and achieve long-term success in their diet journey. Nine in 10 Battlers are female.

The Craver: likely to experience strong food cravings that may lead to overeating in ‘tricky’ food-related settings. Cravers had the highest Body Mass Index of all types.

The Pleaser: likeable and friendly but can also be sensitive to social comparisons which can make them feel like they are not doing well. They are likely to have many people to call upon to support them along the way.

The Foodie: passionate about all things food including the experience of preparing and eating good quality meals. Foodies love variety and have the best diet quality of all Types. Men often identify as Foodies.

The Socialiser: a people-person who needs flexibility to make sure strict food restrictions don’t stifle social occasions or ‘kill the mood’ of an event.

Does knowing your diet type actually work? Retail assistant, Kayleen Nuus from South Australia, said understanding her Diet Type played a critical role in her 37 kg weight loss.

“As a Craver I would consume food without a second thought – if it looked or smelled delicious, I had to have it, no matter how unhealthy it was,” Ms Nuus said.

“Now I make decisions based on an understanding of how my mind works in certain situations. If I’m craving a particular food, I look for a healthier option. For example, rather than a take-away hamburger, I’ll make it at home, so I know exactly what’s going in it. I also generally track my food to understand my portions and satisfy my hunger, without the sacrifice.”

With one look at the list of diet types, I was sure that I would be The Craver, after taking the quick test, I have learned that I’m The Thinker. The one that gets derailed by stress easily. They’ve actually nailed it. During home schooling I find myself reaching for delicious soft white bread and all the good things when things get hard. I mean, year 7 algebra will make anyone a little frazzled, wouldn’t it?

While I’m not sure how I feel about diet personalities, I’m definitely a fan of learning about ourselves to help us achieve our goals. I do know that I’m the kind of person who really just wants to have her cake and eat it too.

You can take the free CSIRO Diet Type test here, and discover more about your health and wellbeing style.

What do you think your diet personality is? Do you think this could actually work?

  • What a great article to read, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I don’t think i fit into one of the six diet types, I think i am a combination of a few and i think it depends on what is going on in my life at the time. I really enjoy reading articles like this, it really opens you up to think a lot more about your diet and wellbeing.

  • I think I’m probably a foodie more than anything else. Which can be a problem because I love baking and creating things and they aren’t always healthy. I think treats are probably my favourite thing to create. It is always amazing to be able to use my own fresh produce out of my garden too.

  • I found this article interesting but am wondering how the different diet types reflect on our overall health and whether it is easy to change our diet type. I would love to know whether there are certain types each diet type should avoid and whether the timing of when we eat makes a huge difference to our overall health.

  • Very interesting to read about the different types of food personalities there are. Whether or not i fit exactly into one category, probably not. But i do resonate with a few of these, depending on the time of the month too and the season. Very interesting to compare the difference though

  • The Battler is the type that resonates with me. I know what I need to do to stick to a healthy diet but I am so tempted all the time and tend to give in frequently. On the positive side I tend to not buy ultra processed foods and snacks so that I am not tempted, but I do tend to overeat even when it’s healthy food.

  • I’m not sure. After reading all descriptions, I think I could fit into all of the above

  • I would say I am part foodie part craver. But as someone with late stage ADHD and Binge eating disorder I am sure my eating patterns aren’t exactly “normal” though and can’t be placed into one of six boxes. I have worked on beating the binge restrict cycle professionally for several years now and it is a journey and very two steps forward one back.

  • I think there is another group. A carer. I can’t go to someone’s house for a meal or BBQ etc and turn down dishes that people have gone out of their way to make. I feel obligated to be polite and try a little of most things. I go for a cuppa and they bring out a cake……

  • Oh I am most definitely the thinker! I can almost become obsessed with tracking using food diaries both hard copies and apps, fitness trackers and what ever else I can lay my hands on to achieve my goals. I need to learn to take it down a notch and not become so obsessive and other think everything.

  • Clicked the link but couldn’t find the diet personality type test, only the free goal weight quiz. Reading the descriptions above I’m pretty much a bit of them all, but in saying that I’m more about being comfortable in my own skin and eating what and when I want instead of a box that someone decided I fit into based on a test.

  • I thought the link took you to a quiz to identify your diet style! I’m poetically a mix of theThe Battler, The Craver and The Foodie. But I’m not a dieter. I grew up on an organic farm and love quality food. I had a trauma related eating disorder for a decade, so I’m pretty anti diet culture. I like to be healthy but I’m a bigger girl. But my medical numbers are all good, I’m strong and active and happy and they’re more important to me than being a size 12.

  • I don’t think I really identify with any of these diet personalities. As sad as it is, I am a person who loves routine, so I have a healthy eating meal plan and am pretty good at sticking to it. The good thing is it does allow for ‘save’ or ‘splurge’ snacks each day. Most of the time I don’t need them, but working through all the Christmas goodies, I have tended to splurge while making dinner!

  • Not really sure i fit into any of these groups or categories. I often eat whatever i want, but in moderation. I will never turn down or restrict myself and not eat what i want, but i make sure im not over indulging and only eating a good amount for me.

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